
Miscellaneous Writings and Musings


A genie and her rock band

(Novel and Short Stories)

Steal Tomorrow

Steal Tomorrow
Murder, Mystery, First Love, and the End of the World

(Novel and Short Stories)

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Taken In

Drawn into my skin,
into my brain,
like a drug,
a hit,
a glass of wine.
Foreign, but a part of me,
not easy to let go.

Taken in.
Taken over.
How can I be rid of you,
when you're a part of me?

Chelating with a new love
only gets me hooked again,
and nothing else
can draw you out,
remove your sting,
make me pure again,
except a few kind words from you.
And time.

This was written for Sunday Scribblings.


Berowne said...

Effective and rather moving...

August 4, 2013 at 2:42 PM
Jae Rose said...

Chelating..what a vivid description..i guess what we have taken in stays with us even when it is scoured out..but it can build as well as destroy..i hope..i hope..absorbing words.. x

August 5, 2013 at 4:19 AM
Alice Audrey said...

It's an almost love lorn. But in some ways it makes me think of my kids. I like cheelating.

August 6, 2013 at 5:03 AM
Old Egg said...

Knowing that she will fall in the trap or the same routine over and over clearly demands a set of new rules. Unless of course there is something that draws the character in only to regret it later...again!

August 7, 2013 at 6:33 PM

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