
Miscellaneous Writings and Musings


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55 - Abandoned

Half-hidden by wild growth, it sits abandoned. Paint peels, doors go unmended. Time wears upon this silent place until the people come, chatting of abandonment, thinking themselves alone as they gather windfall chestnuts. One of them spies a movement at a window, but no, it's just the reflection of a passing cloud...

...or is it?

About Friday Flash 55: The challenge is to write a complete story in fifty-five words. If you've written a 55-flash, go let The G-Man know!

55 - Pita

I watched them travel down the rack
So tempting…should I get a pack?
If I took them home to make a snack,
Surely someone would give me flack.
Bread is fattening – take them back!
No gluten permitted in this shack!
So I’ll buy some lettuce; stay on track
But someday soon I’ll buy a sack!

About Friday Flash 55: The challenge is to write a complete story in fifty-five words. If you've written a 55-flash, go let The G-Man know!

55 - Chaco

It was the home of the ancient ones, proud people who traveled and traded throughout the world as they knew it. 

While neighbors looked on in envy, they built cities and temples to showcase their achievements. 

Their civilization would last forever, or until the droughts came. 

Now only dry stones remain to tell the tale.

About Friday Flash 55: The challenge is to write a complete story in fifty-five words. If you've written a 55-flash, go let The G-Man know!