
Miscellaneous Writings and Musings


A genie and her rock band

(Novel and Short Stories)

Steal Tomorrow

Steal Tomorrow
Murder, Mystery, First Love, and the End of the World

(Novel and Short Stories)

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55 - Street Performance

All dressed up with no place to go. Just standing there, really, with the summer sun beating down, while tourists gawk and take pictures to post on Facebook. No fame or fortune will result from all this; just a few dollars tossed in a bucket. It’s a hell of a way to make a living.

Got a story you can tell in 55 words? The G-Man wants to know!


g-man said...

That looks like The Big Easy?
My Favorite place for Street Performance Art
I love these hard working folks
I detest pan handlers that do nothing!
I loved your Blog Performance Art 55
Thanks for always playing so cool
Thanks for your loyal support
Have a Kick Ass Week End

August 8, 2013 at 11:20 PM
Anonymous said...

Why is it that the stuff that's cool never makes any money?

August 9, 2013 at 2:06 AM
Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

Now that's a show.

August 9, 2013 at 7:27 PM
Margaret said...

Is that a real dog? It almost looks like a wind-up toy. My kids would feed it money all day!

August 15, 2013 at 5:40 PM
Alice Audrey said...

Dang, I want to take pictures to post on Facebook. It's worth a few coins to me. If i happens enough, he could accidentally end up famous.

August 22, 2013 at 3:11 PM

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