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Word Verification

I don't know when Blogger quit making wordver a universal setting, but I never got the memo. I've received a lot of spam over the years, often on my most sensitive, heart-felt blog posts, which is why even though I hate wordver as much as anyone, I've had it turned on. Recent complaints made me wonder if maybe something was different at Blogger, and it is. Wordver is no longer a setting that applies to all of one's blogs, but can be set individually. I have therefore removed it from some of my blogs, while leaving it on others. If I start spending a lot of time doing spam cleanup, though, it's going back on all of them. Hopefully that won't have to happen. I'll probably also turn it on when I go on vacation or on a business trip, when my time to deal with spam is even more limited thanit already is. In the meantime, I'll hope to get lucky this time and stay under the radar.

Updated to note that I've already received my first spam. It took only an hour. Joy.

Second update: Three more in 1.5 hours since previous update. Wordver is going back ON. Sorry, folks, but I don't have time to deal with this.


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