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55 - Shop Cat

Good morning! What can I do for you? As you see, I'm quite busy. Minding this shop takes all my time, scarcely a moment for my own simple pleasures; listening for mice, pouncing on bugs. I have other interests, you know. But the customer is always right, so what can I help you find today?

About Friday Flash 55: The challenge is to write a complete story in fifty-five words. If you've written a 55-flash, go let The G-Man know!


the walking man said...

I guess it's cool a hep cat is minding the store. You have any Playboy's under the counter?

November 9, 2012 at 3:38 AM
Brian Miller said...

ha, my cat would probably not get up if they started taking the money out the register....

cute pic....

November 9, 2012 at 5:13 AM
G-Man said...

That cat looks EXACTLY like our Beaver. You've caught their sense of independence Perfectly.
Loved your Feline 55
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

November 9, 2012 at 6:06 AM
Anonymous said...

I adore shop cats!

November 9, 2012 at 8:08 AM
izzy said...

Oh I love the cat-i-tude! very positive- What may I ask is she
sitting in with ?

November 9, 2012 at 8:45 AM
Bubba said...

At least he speaks English. :)

November 9, 2012 at 8:51 AM
Alice Audrey said...

I'm always amazed to see shop cats. I love them, but I can't help thinking what do the people with allergies do?

November 9, 2012 at 10:41 AM
Helen said...

I love kitties ... and I love this!!

November 9, 2012 at 6:33 PM
Margaret said...

Adorable. There is a used bookstore cat in Chapel Hill, NC. He likes to sleep in the window by the showcased books.

November 9, 2012 at 8:19 PM
Yvonne Osborne said...

Listening for mice, pouncing on bugs...life sure is hard! Pretty kitty. I wonder if they are all so busy!

November 9, 2012 at 8:21 PM

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