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Writing Memes

Writing memes on the web seem to come and go, and lately a lot have gone into hiatus or gone away entirely. If I were to host a weekly meme, what would it be?
  • We have the example of word-based memes, such as Three Word Wednesday.
  • We have picture-based memes, such as Magpie Tales.
  • We have theme-based memes, such as Sunday Scribblings.
  • We have format-based memes, such as the now-defunct Sunday 160 and in-hiatus Friday 55.
  • And we have The Serialists, which requires posts to be related to each other, preferably in a series. 

What's a meme host supposed to do?

With a retreat and two conferences coming up, I have about a month to figure it out and maybe come up with a snazzy logo, too.  If you, dear writer, have any ideas as to what kind of writing meme you'd like to see here, let me know!


Alice Audrey said...

I greatly prefer the format memes like Sunday 160 because they give me the flexibility to tie them in with things I post on other days of the week, and because I can work ahead a little bit. I also prefer the shorter ones because it allows me to read and comment on most if not all of the list.

May 10, 2012 at 9:50 AM

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