
Miscellaneous Writings and Musings


A genie and her rock band

(Novel and Short Stories)

Steal Tomorrow

Steal Tomorrow
Murder, Mystery, First Love, and the End of the World

(Novel and Short Stories)

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Dry Bones

We bury the past.

Here in the desert
is a good place for it.

No creeping mold and rot
that would destroy;
just desiccation,
that a monster can lie buried here
a thousand years.

The sands will cover everything,
make invisible
what we would not see.
We can go through life 
with confidence,
it's all obscured.

Old pains are cured.

And if on some dark night,
curiosity compels us
to go searching for old bones,
we'll find them right here,
as we left them;
and unobserved.

Rendered safe by time.

This is a Sunday Scribblings post.


Berowne said...

Sharply perceptive; well done.

July 14, 2013 at 1:28 PM
Alice Audrey said...

Seems like we always end up out in the sand, digging up old bones.

July 14, 2013 at 2:19 PM
b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

I liked this one a lot. Well done.

July 14, 2013 at 6:11 PM
Old Egg said...

The desert is a beautiful place, it calls you back time and time again and covers your tracks and whispers secrets.

July 14, 2013 at 6:51 PM
Susan Helene Gottfried said...

This is only a good thing when you WANT to preserve the past, however. Pardon me while I head down to Mississippi to bury stuff instead!

July 14, 2013 at 7:10 PM

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